Team Website Guidelines
Building a Team Website
Teams are responsible for building and hosting their websites. Most teams will use free hosting sites, such as Weebly, Wix, Google Sites, or host the team site on their Terpconnect account, though you are welcome to host the site through whatever means you would like.
New teams should have their website complete by the first day of classes of their sophomore year. All teams should be sure to keep their websites up to date as their project progresses and changes.
Website Organization Guidelines
All team website must include:
A Team Homepage, complete with:
- Team Name and Year
- A few sentences about the research problem
- Research question
- At least 1 contact person from the team
- Important Links:
Gemstone logo (link to
Right-click this image and save.
Honors College Logo (link to
Right-click image and save.
Secondary Pages, which should include:
- Team Members, Mentor and Librarian [may be on front page]
- Mission statement or goals [may be on front page]
- Project scope (might be a paragraph)
- Timeline of activities
- Papers and posters the team has presented
- Pertinent links to the team's topic
Finally, student may include a private folder (password accessible only) for use among the team, though this is not required. The private folder might include:
- Meeting minutes
- Syllabus
- Reference or citation page (for articles team members have read and used)
- References folder (containing articles viewable for continuing team use)
Image folder - Drafts of papers
Website liaisons may contact the Operations Specialist with any questions.