"I chose Gemstone because I had done some research in high school and wanted to continue in college. I was really intrigued by the flexibility and student-driven approach that Gemstone offered. I really liked the living-learning aspect of the program because I got to know fellow classmates and the staff. I also got involved in Gemstone Student Council freshmen year and got to meet more great upperclassmen. My GEMS100 Section Leaders (Lara and Akhil!) were also great at helping to ease the transition."

Interested in the Gemstone Honors College? Learn the steps to applying and future deadlines!

Now that you're into one of the most prestigious honors programs on campus, figure out what's in store for you!

At New Student Orientation, you will meet with an academic advisor, connect with other new Terps, and register for classes.
Gems camp is an exciting way to get to know your cohort and learn all about the people with whom you'll be living and learning!

As a freshman in Gemstone, your home will be Ellicott Hall, located in the Ellicott community and right in front of the Market. Learn more about it!

Gemstone will provide you with valuable experiences, skills, and knowledge that will prepare you for whatever plans you have after completing your undergraduate here!